Sociologist Herbert Blumer, describing 'the audience' in 1950, said that:

They may come from all walks of life, and all social strata; it may include people of different class position, vocation, cultural attainment and wealth.the mass is an anonymous group or composed of anonymous individualsthere exists little interaction or change of experience between members who are usually physically separated the mass is loosely organised and not able to act with the unity of a crowd.
Some of these factors are still applicable to audiences today - including ours. However a huge difference now is the interactivity of audiences since the rise of the internet and social media on a global scale, allowing audiences to create personal relationships with each other which is an element of Blumler and Katz's uses and gratifications theory. However, a problem with our results is that it does not necessarily represent a whole audience as it is such a small sample of the number of people our film would reach if it was released. So if our Twitter account had a bigger audience when we ran the poll, we would have been able to see a greater diversity of people, rather than '84% white' for example. We will keep this in mind when targeting our audience to ensure that we do not exclude any social groups purely based on the poll results.
nice one