Risk Assessment

In one scene, Charlotte is stood next to a lake, she has to be careful and avoid unbalanced ground so she doesn’t fall in and get injured.
High Buildings
A variety of our shots are taken from high ground, on car parks etc. We have to be extra careful and avoid getting too close to the edge when shooting.
During the fight scene, we have to make sure there is no physical force when Nick and Yucef ‘hit’ each other. In order to make it seem more real, we’ve added an effect that creates verisimilitude.
When in the car, we need to be safe on the roads and make sure the shots are taken in a very quiet area.
Tied Up
When Elizabeth is tied up in the garage, we had to make sure the rope was very loose so we didn’t restrict her blood flow. When the balaclava goes over her head, we also need to make sure she doesn’t suffocate.

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