Question 3: What Have You Learned From Audience Feedback?

When showing our audience our poster/film, we wanted them to look at it from a younger point of view due to our cast being around the ages of 18-20. We also wanted them to feel nervous and understand the main characters in the film are under severe pressure from the beginning to the end, that is only in the teaser trailer but in the poster the extreme close-ups on both the protagonist and the antagonist signifies the tension in the air. We reached our target audience by putting 
up leaflets, giving out magazines, and showcasing our film poster. We actually showed our target audience the first few glimpses of our film and asked how they feel it could develop; they believed it needed to be more like a gangster and a bit easier to understand, after taking in all the feedback, it led to us adding more gangster codes and conventions into the trailer and adding dialogue and a voiceover to make things more understandable. Although most said they don't visit the cinema very often, they said they were willing to see our film on release. They'd expect to see it in an independent cinema like Broadway in Nottingham as our funding is too low for our film to be shown at a mainstream cinema. 

The preferred reading of the film would be the reverted stereotype of the woman being a lesbian, as well as having the most authority in the film. The oppositional reading the audience might have would be that Cole has actually been betrayed by Harriet and realistically, he's the protagonist and she's the antagonist but this would be hard for the audience as she is sympathised throughout the film. Audiences are very powerful in the film business, due to technology and web 2.0 audiences can review the film by a simple post on social media and that can easily stop many viewers from seeing a certain film on release, due to this, I feel that audiences are becoming similar depending on age and gender and what genre they're into because of the power of social media. We found that our target audience all gave similar views, this was heavily dependent on a similar age we asked and because they're all interested in our gangster thriller genre, although we tried to only aim the film at the target audience, asking someone of different interests may have helped us improve our film further. Overall, the audience were a key factor to the production of our film trailer as they gave us ideas, and improvements to work on throughout the process.

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